On the road with the team.


Wandern in der intakten Engadiner Natur.
Accompany the employees of the Engadin Scuol Zernez holiday region on their experiences and let their reports inspire you for your next excursion. Enjoy browsing and testing for yourself!
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Sonnenaufgang am Piz Daint im Val Müstair

July 2022. Sunrise on Piz Daint

Join Marina Gachnang on the moonlit hike to Piz Daint. Equipped with hiking poles and a headlamp, we'll head for the summit at sunrise.

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August 2022. From S-charl via the Chamonna Lischana to Scuol

Join Sophia Bartolomei on the hike from S-charl to Chamonna Lischana and down to Scuol.

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August 2022. Two-day expedition to Piz Buin

Join Marianne Werro on the guided climbing tour to Piz Buin. During two days, she and her niece experienced unforgettable mountain moments with mountain guide Jan Malär.

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October 2022. Royal Tour to the Macun Lakes

Join Sophia Bartolomei on the Royal Tour to the Macun Lakes - THE recommendation for hiking enthusiasts who love sporty tours in remote areas.

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Verschneite Winterlandschaft

December 2022. Winter magic on the Ofenpass

Join Sophia Bartolomei on a scenic snowshoe tour through the deep snow-covered landscape on the border of the Swiss National Park.

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Old blog posts

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S-charl im Herbst. Bild: Dominik Täuber.
Blog posts 2021

Let the 2021 blog posts inspire you for your next trip.

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Schneeschuhlaufen in Sent, im Unterengadin
Blog posts 2020

Let the blog posts from 2020 inspire you for your next trip.

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The whole tourism team at a glance

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