Engadine treasure chest that has fascinated for decades

High above the Inn, far away from the valley road and the railway line, Guarda shines like a beacon in the sun. It fascinates and captivates visitors like an open treasure chest: Selina Chönz and Alois Carigiet were inspired by the village of 200 people as early as 1945 and created the story of Schellen-Ursli here.
In 1975 Guarda received the Wakker Prize for its intact village image. And for decades now, city-dwellers with grandiose ideas have been drawn here - out of fascination for the model village of Romanesque culture and tradition. With a great sense of authenticity and passionate craftsmanship, the residents make the fascination tangible for all the senses.

In & on Guarda

Learn more about the Engadine village.
Guided tour of Guarda village
Are you interested in learning everything about Guarda, the village of Schellen-Ursli? About the unique and beautifully preserved Engadine houses, their history, about the architecture as well as people and customs? Then you have come to the right place.
Village tours in German
- When: Thursdays, all year round
- Meeting point: Guest Information Guarda, house no. 84 each at 2.00 p.m.
- Duration: approx. 1h 15min
- Price in CHF: adults 12.- (without guest card 17.-) / children free of charge
- Number of participants: At least 4 persons
- Groups: Inquiries for groups directly via e-mail to info@engadin.com
- Registration: By 5.00 p.m. the day before online at engadin.com/experience-offers

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Further information
- Interactive map – Tours
- Village brochure Guarda (in German)
- Village map Guarda (in German)
- Overview craftsmen and services