Out and up

Mountain railways Scuol

Family vacations in Engadin Scuol Zernez: Down into the valley on a scooter. Picture: Dominik Täuber.
With the scooter from the mountain station Motta Naluns to the valley.
Take the Scuol mountain railways to where it is most beautiful; up on the mountain, on Motta Naluns. Whether for lunch in the mountain restaurant, as a starting point for a tour or for a downhill ride on the scooter – pure pleasure awaits you here!
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Die Bergbahnen Scuol im Sommer.

Out and up. The mountain railroads Scuol

Find out on the website of the mountain railroads about current operating times, rates and offers around the Scuoler local mountain Motta Naluns.

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Familienferien im Engadin.

Blick Winter Awards. Abstimmen für das schönste Skigebiet

Die Blick Winter Awards sind auch diese Saison wieder auf der Suche nach dem schönsten Skigebiet. Die Bergbahnen Scuol sind in der Kategorie «Familien» nominiert.

Zur Abstimmung
Frühlingswandern im Unterengadin.
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Enjoy free mountain railway rides.

Guest Cards Engadin Scuol Zernez

With public transport included and other benefits

From your first overnight stay, you receive free travel on public transport and mountain railroads during your stay in the Lower Engadine. Learn more about the guest cards

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Nachhaltigkeit Fokus Ökonomie

Sustainable because...

...the mountain railways are one of the most important employers in our region and make a significant contribution to economic development.