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Booking & Offers

Trailrunning in Scuol im Engadin
Treat yourself to a break from everyday life and book your holiday in the Engadin Scuol Zernez National Park Region.
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Hotel Arnica Scuol

Holidays in the Engadin. Accommodation

Find your suitable accommodation in the Lower Engadine. Whether it's an authentic hotel, a modern holiday flat or a campsite by the river – there's something for everyone.

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Wandern entlang der Via Engiadina.

With inclusive services. Offers

Browse through our summer and winter offers and benefit from numerous inclusive services. How about a multi-day hike or bike tour with organised luggage transport?

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Zu sehen ist links das Schloss Tarasp mit einer blühenden Wiese im Vordergrund und Engadiner Häusern auf der rechten Seite.

Productivity through a change of perspective. Workation

Workation combines mobile working and holidays. Find out about the Workation opportunities in the Lower Engadine.

To your individual Workation
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Wildtierbeobachtung im Schweizerischen Nationalpark, Engadin

From the guest programme. Adventure offers

Discover and book our unique experience offers from the guest programme in the Lower Engadin.

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Public transport including.

Guest Cards Engadin Scuol Zernez

With our guest card, you benefit from discounted conditions on a wide range of experiences. Learn more.

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