National Day in the Engadine

1st of August

Wanderung mit Sonnenaufgang im Engadin
Switzerland's national holiday on 1st of August is also a special day in the Engadin Scuol Zernez holiday region. 
August 1, 2023 in Tarasp with a view of the castle.
August 1, 2023 in Tarasp with a view of the castle.

Overview of festivities in the municipalities

1st August 2024 programme

Here you will find the current programme for the 1st August celebrations in our holiday region.

Symbol Feuerwerksverbot

Information for the municipality of Scuol.

Ban on fireworks

According to Art. 16 Para. 1 of the Police Act of the Municipality of Scuol, any burning of firecrackers, fireworks and other pyrotechnical objects is prohibited. An exception is made for small silent fireworks such as sparklers or Bengal matches. The municipality of Scuol asks the population and guests to observe and comply with the ban in accordance with the police law.

Trash Hero Event auf Motta Naluns
Motta Naluns

Celebrate sustainably.

Protect nature

As a destination, sustainability is very important to us and we want to work together to keep our environment clean and beautiful.

Therefore, we would like to ask you to actively combat littering and to dispose of waste properly. Please make sure to dispose of your waste in the bins provided or take it away when needed to protect our nature.