Winter sports and road condition report

Auszeit im Unterengadin. Skifahren im Skigebiet Scuol.
Find out about the open lifts and pistes in the Motta Naluns ski area, cross-country ski trails, winter hiking trails and more. Our interactive piste map and the winter sports report provide you with up-to-date information. You will also find information on closed roads and paths.

Interactive winter map

Winter sports report

Open slopes and facilities

Interactive map of the ski resort Scuol

Webcam of the ski resort Scuol

Road condition report

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Kantonswappen Graubünden

Cantonal roads

Here you will find information on the condition of the cantonal roads in Graubünden.

To the road condition map
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Wappen Gemeinde Scuol

Municipality of Scuol

Here you will find information on closed roads and paths in the municipality of Scuol.

To the closed roads and paths

Risk of rockfall in the Piz Buin Pitschen area

There is currently a risk of a rockfall on Piz Buin Pitschen. The route to Chamonna Tuoi has been rerouted and the hut has an emergency plan in place.

Steinböcke im Winter im Engadin

Hibernation for wild animals

Please observe the wildlife quiet zones so as not to disturb the wild animals in their familiar environment. The Swiss National Park remains closed throughout the winter (wildlife quiet zone).