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About the custom in the Lower Engadine
The Schüschaiver is celebrated in Ftan on the Saturday before the first Monday in February. In the past, this day was used to swear in the municipal council, the school board and all committees with areas of responsibility before the Engadin municipalities merged. In addition to these political rituals, however, the day has always been a celebration of the village youth. Since the municipal merger, this tradition has been continued exclusively in the Lower Engadin village of Ftan as a celebration of the village youth.

From traditional wood felling to the Paar parade and Schüschaiver ball
In the morning, the lads with their horses and carts take care of the wood that used to be needed to prepare the evening meal. Even today, the tree is still felled by hand. In the evening, the village youths organise a public competition in which the winner receives the wood from the felled tree.
The girls eat lunch together and meet up with the boys at around 1 pm. On this day, the girls wear the traditional Engadine costume, while the single boys wear a waistcoat. After the partner draw, the village youths walk together with the village music from Ftan Pitschen to the school building. There, the mayor gives a speech, followed by various performances by the young pupils. This is followed by the traditional Schüschaiver Ball, where folk music is played. The first three dances belong to the village youth.
In the evening, the village youth organises a party with modern music, which is attended by many young people from the surrounding villages in the Lower Engadine.

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