TESSVM is the first Swiss destination to strive for sustainability certification

Why certification
As a tourism organisation, we have decided to follow the path of a recognised certification in order to lend more weight and credibility to the already ongoing and multi-layered efforts in our region. TourCert is an internationally recognised advisory and certification system that deals with the entire tourism value chain. More information about TourCert
Our vision
We live, strengthen and develop the destination Engadin Samnaun Val Müstair together with our local partners.
We offer our partners and guests unique added value with our services.
We focus on sustainable tourism in all three dimensions for the successful future of our region. In this way, we contribute to the positive economic development of our destination, to an attractive living and holiday environment in terms of social aspects (culture, society, quality of life) and to the preservation of the natural habitats for humans and animals with a high landscape quality.
We take our responsibility as a leader seriously and, together with our partners, we constantly maintain and develop our positioning as a sustainable holiday destination. In a Switzerland-wide comparison, we are recognised as a pioneer in the field of sustainable tourism.

News from the project
In addition to the acquisition of various partner companies, the following sub-steps are currently being implemented in the project:
- In October, a first workshop was held with the members of the Sustainability Council. Various strategic analyses were carried out, such as a strength/weakness analysis of the destination and three customer journeys for the three sub-regions.
- The first meeting of the Sustainability Council took place on 15 November 2021.
- Currently, various surveys are being prepared and carried out with the employees of the TESSVM, various tour guides and suppliers.
- Various indicators such as electricity, paper and water consumption of TESSVM as a company are being examined.
- TourCert was presented to the different service partners during the various summer kickoffs. You can find the presentation here. (It is available in German)
Other members of the Sustainability Board
Angelika Abderhalden (Fundaziun Pro Terra Engiadina) | Flurin Filli (Swiss National Park) | Kurt Stecher (Lower Engadine Trade and Commerce Association) |
Anita Grond (Uniun da mansteranza e gastronomia Val Müstair) | Andri Poo (Mountain railways Scuol) | Daniel Pitsch (Winter sports area Minschuns) |
Ulrich Veith (UNESCO Welterbe Kloster St. Johann) | Jasmin Egli (Snow sports school Samnaun) | Men-Duri Ellemunter (Lia Rumantscha) |
Fadri Blanke (Community Scuol) | Gabriella Binkert Becchetti (Cumün da Val Müstair) | Bernhard Aeschbacher (TESSVM) |

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at available.

Sustainable because...
...we play a pioneering role as a destination and are the first destination with sustainability certification.