
TESSVM is the first Swiss destination to strive for sustainability certification

Winter im Engadin
The Engadin Samnaun Val Müstair holiday region is the first destination in Switzerland to strive for certification as a sustainable destination by "TourCert". The social, ecological and economic dimensions are taken into account within the destination. As a regional tourism organisation, we are thus actively assuming responsibility.

Why certification

As a tourism organisation, we have decided to follow the path of a recognised certification in order to lend more weight and credibility to the already ongoing and multi-layered efforts in our region. TourCert is an internationally recognised advisory and certification system that deals with the entire tourism value chain. More information about TourCert

Our vision

We live, strengthen and develop the destination Engadin Samnaun Val Müstair together with our local partners.

We offer our partners and guests unique added value with our services.

We focus on sustainable tourism in all three dimensions for the successful future of our region. In this way, we contribute to the positive economic development of our destination, to an attractive living and holiday environment in terms of social aspects (culture, society, quality of life) and to the preservation of the natural habitats for humans and animals with a high landscape quality.

We take our responsibility as a leader seriously and, together with our partners, we constantly maintain and develop our positioning as a sustainable holiday destination. In a Switzerland-wide comparison, we are recognised as a pioneer in the field of sustainable tourism.


News from the project

In addition to the acquisition of various partner companies, the following sub-steps are currently being implemented in the project:

  • In October, a first workshop was held with the members of the Sustainability Council. Various strategic analyses were carried out, such as a strength/weakness analysis of the destination and three customer journeys for the three sub-regions.
  • The first meeting of the Sustainability Council took place on 15 November 2021.
  • Currently, various surveys are being prepared and carried out with the employees of the TESSVM, various tour guides and suppliers. 
  • Various indicators such as electricity, paper and water consumption of TESSVM as a company are being examined. 
  • TourCert was presented to the different service partners during the various summer kickoffs. You can find the presentation here. (It is available in German)

TourCert Sustainability Council

Testimonials from the various members

Patrick Sieber
Patrick Sieber (Holiday home owners)

As a guest of this wonderful region, I appreciate the intact nature and the uniqueness of this habitat. Personally, I find it important at the same time that this region offers people and families an attractive economic livelihood. This is exactly what attracts me to the topic of sustainability - to combine several dimensions and to show that they are compatible and not contradictory. My heart beats for this region, which motivates me to contribute to it as a member of the Sustainability Council.

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Martina Schlapbach
Martina Schlapbach (Regional developer, Region Engiadina Bassa/Val Müstair)

As a regional developer, I accompany people and organisations that transform innovative ideas into sustainable projects. The Sustainability Council offers a platform to initiate precisely such processes and to maximise their impact - for the benefit of a region that is constantly evolving as a living space.

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René Stoye
René Stoye (Head, Belvédère Hotel Familie Scuol)

We live in paradise - living nature, the change of seasons, clear water, pure products and clean air. It goes without saying that we should do everything we can to preserve this and hand it down to our children responsibly and intact. A commitment in this context is a great honour for me and an obligation at the same time.

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Brigitta Enkerli
Brigitta Enkerli (Parish council Zernez)

My great love here in the Engadine is our unique Engadine houses. As a local councillor, I am actively committed to the preservation and gentle restoration of our cultural assets. With our Energia 2020 project, we are showing with a concrete example how such a path is possible. The combination of morbidity and modernity, for example in the choice of bathrooms and kitchens in a stylish design, make it possible for us to preserve our cultural heritage, in which we can enjoy and live as cosmopolitans.

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Claudio Duschletta
Claudio Duschletta (Director, Bogn Engiadina Scuol)

I am involved in the sustainability council of the destination because I am convinced that we all have to take this topic very seriously. In recent years, Bogn Engiadina Scuol has invested a lot of money in optimising its energy balance. The energy expenditure is very high for a spa that uses (cold) spring water from the mineral springs around Scuol. However, as an important service provider in the overall offer mix, it is our constant concern to make our contribution and optimise our energy consumption. However, we also want to examine the other dimensions of sustainability in order to be a credible partner for our guests and our employees.

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David Spinnler
David Spinnler (Managing Director, Biosfera Val Müstair)

Come to us, we have nothing!" That is the best advertisement for our region that I have seen so far. What that means: Intact natural space, living culture, regional cycles and products. As a model region for sustainability, we want to develop further. In this way, we are a place where people can make a living in harmony with their living space and where guests can relax without staging and clamour. I am wholeheartedly committed to this!

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Martina Hänzi
Martina Hänzi (Managing Director, Engadin Booking)

For me, sustainability means a forward-looking and respectful use of our natural resources so that our children can continue to live in such a wonderful region in the future. But it also means being aware that we live in a small community and that this should also be nurtured and developed and ultimately this is only possible if we all have a basis here that enables us to earn our living. As a member of the IG Parahotellerie, I am happy to stand up for the concerns of holiday apartment owners in the Sustainability Council and I look forward to working together to make the holiday experience more sustainable.

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Norbert Metzner
Norbert Metzner (Holiday home owners)

Professionally and privately, I am fascinated by sustainability: bringing ecology, economy and social issues into a balanced harmony, with a long-term perspective to improve all three aspects. The goal of a distinctly sustainable world, in which our economic activity does not diminish but rather increases the opportunities of future generations, and the preservation of a unique landscape, nature and culture motivates me as a (second) home owner, holiday home renter and engineer to make my contribution to the Sustainability Council. Holistic, balanced concepts, supported by new approaches, are necessary to preserve this homeland - a "healthy" environment will be the "attraction of tomorrow"; our children and grandchildren as well as loyal guests will thank us.

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Other members of the Sustainability Board

Angelika Abderhalden (Fundaziun Pro Terra Engiadina) Flurin Filli (Swiss National Park) Kurt Stecher (Lower Engadine Trade and Commerce Association)
Anita Grond (Uniun da mansteranza e gastronomia Val Müstair) Andri Poo (Mountain railways Scuol) Daniel Pitsch (Winter sports area Minschuns)
Ulrich Veith (UNESCO Welterbe Kloster St. Johann) Jasmin Egli (Snow sports school Samnaun) Men-Duri Ellemunter (Lia Rumantscha)
Fadri Blanke (Community Scuol) Gabriella Binkert Becchetti (Cumün da Val Müstair) Bernhard Aeschbacher (TESSVM)
Teamwork-Nachhaltigkeit @Andrea Badrutt


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at available.

Nachhaltigkeit Fokus Ökonomie

Sustainable because...

...we play a pioneering role as a destination and are the first destination with sustainability certification.