
Deer rutting in Val Mingèr

Wildbeobachtung im Val Mingèr.
Domenic hält Ausschau nach Hirschen und Steinwild.
Domenic Schaniel takes us to Val Mingèr on a sunny September day. In this part of the Swiss National Park, an annual spectacle can be experienced up close: The roaring deer.

Even the journey to the starting point of the hike is an adventure, as we slowly leave civilisation behind us and head towards S-charl. The expedition into the national park starts at the «Val Mingèr» PostBus stop. The path initially leads over the Clemgia, then winds its way through a magnificent stretch of forest, which finally opens up and ends in an open meadow. We continue through dry terrain with views of the Val Foraz. We soon catch sight of the striking rock formation known as the «Hexenkopf» or «Cheu da la stria» in Vallader.

Hirschbrunft im Schweizerischen Nationalpark
Markante Felsformation «Hexenkopf» im Val Mingèr.

On the way, Domenic tells us lots of interesting facts about the national park. For example, nature is left to its own devices here, dead or diseased trees are not removed by human hands but left to decay naturally. The animals must also be disturbed as little as possible. It is therefore important not to leave the marked hiking trail and to keep quiet. In order to preserve this unique nature reserve, the nature conservation regulations must be observed.

Im Schweizerischen Nationalpark ist die Natur sich selbst überlassen.
Unterwegs ins Val Mingèr.

Suddenly we hear the deer bellowing from a distance and Domenic keeps looking out for the animals. When it's too warm, the stags are quiet and take a break – so you have more luck spotting and hearing stags in the morning. As a passionate hunter of many years' standing, Domenic is well practised and spots a stag with his binoculars. Chamois can also be seen jumping around on the steep rock faces.

Hirschbrunft im Val Mingèr.
Hirsch durch das Fernrohr.

We take a lunch break at the Val Mingèr rest area. Here we meet other hikers watching the spectacle. The deer are no longer roaring very actively due to the warm midday sun. Nevertheless, we can observe the animals resting and roaming around in search of food. After our refreshments, we head back to the starting point of our hike and enjoy the beautiful nature on this warm autumn day.

Hirsche beobachten.
Wanderung im Val Mingèr.
Hisch im Nationalpark


Registration for the holiday tip

When autumn arrives, a unique natural spectacle begins in the forests of Val Mingèr: the rut of the red deer. During this excursion, the roaring deer can be experienced up close in the company of a hunter.