Event Scuol

Giuventüna, telefonin, suldüm? Youth, mobile phones, loneliness?

Lavuratori cun referat d'impuls iʼl inscunter avert per giuvenils / Workshop with impulse presentation in the open youth centre Scuol.


20.09.2024 from 17:00 to 20:00 o'clock
Youth club Let's Scuol

Congualar e valütar, gnir valütà, far amicizcha, as fidar, tgnair oura lungurella, esser ragiundschibel/ragiundschibla, esser bun/a dad invlidar. Referat dʼinvista e lavuratori a reguard sfidas e pussibiltats da «la generaziun Alpha» (annadas a partir dal 2010).

speakers: Imke Marggraf, terapeuta da drama e teater, innside-theater.teaming.therapie., Scuol/Zernez

Per giuvenils e genituors.

Tuot las occurrenzas sun publicas e gratuitas.

Compare and evaluate, be evaluated, make friends, trust each other, endure boredom, be reachable, be allowed to switch off. Keynote speech and workshop on the challenges and opportunities of "Generation Alpha" (born from 2010 onwards).

Speaker: Imke Marggraf, drama and theatre therapist, innside-theater.teaming.therapie., Scuol/Zernez

For young people and parents.

All events are public and free of charge.


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