
A musical treat in a class of its own. The Stradivari Quartet is coming to the Lower Engadine once again: guests can listen to the musical sounds at five wonderful concerts in the churches of Scuol Ardez and Zernez, in the castle Tarasp and in the Hotel Palace Cura & Cultura (Nairs) and Zernez Church.

Programme 2024

  • 11.09.2024 | 5 pm Tarasp Castle 
  • 12.09.2024 | 5 pm Church Ardez 
  • 13.09.2024 | 5 pm  Church Scuol 
  • 14.09.2024 | 5 pm Church Zernez (Baselgia Gronda) 
  • 15.09.2024 | 11 am Hotel Scuol Palace 


Buy tickets online or at the guest information in Scuol.

Ticket price

Concerts Price per concert
All concerts for children and students CHF 10 each
Concerts in the church Ardez, Scuol und Zernez and in Palace Cura & Cultura CHF 45 each
Konzert im Schloss Tarasp CHF 40 each
All concerts for children and students Concerts in the church Ardez, Scuol und Zernez and in Palace Cura & Cultura Konzert im Schloss Tarasp
Price per concert
CHF 10 each CHF 45 each CHF 40 each
Tickets will be available from the end of May. The subsequent aperitif is included in the ticket price.
Musische Untermalung am Stradivarifest
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Further information and contact

Further information and the contact you will find here.

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