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"The Train Accident" by Franz Hohler

Theatre "The Train Accident" by Franz Hohler, with Elisabeth Hart and Rhaban Straumann. CHF 25/20. Grotta da cultura, Piertan.


16.08.2024 from 20:15 to 22:00 o'clock
Grotta da cultura

A theatre miniature by Franz Hohler, the German/Swiss acting duo Elisabeth Hart and Rhaban Straumann.
Superficially, it is about a funny-looking encounter between two travelers who have to live through a train accident. The worlds of a German actress and a Swiss disaster control officer collide. Rarely has a tragedy been played out so casually. A gem!
A read play, supplemented with stories, poems and stories.
Reservation optional - possible under www.grottadacultura.ch/

Afterwards, the Grotta Bar will be open, and the KulturBus will take you comfortably back to Scuol, Tarasp, Ftan or Ardez (registration at the box office).


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