Between the former Wildenberg farm and today's Planta-Wildenberg Castle lies a long, historic path that could well pass as a cinematic drama with a happy ending.
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We offer traditional bread and regional specialities in our bakery. As a small family business we have the principle that quality is more important than quantity. That’s why we only offer self-made products.
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The FlorinusKirche (Baselgia San/Sonch Flurin) in Ramosch is the second largest Reformed church in the canton of Graubünden after the Martinskirche in Chur. It has a capacity of almost 450 people and is based in its current form on a new building completed in 1522.
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Soul experiences in the Engadine - Integrative nature experiences, coaching, rituals & time-outs
Evi Kusstatscher offers with Seelenerlebnisse in Engadin individual accompaniment spaces in the great outdoors, where it is possible to arrive at yourself, in nature and in the group. Recharge, relax, be mindful and inspired.
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In addition to a wide range of sales of watches and jewellery, perfume, glasses, knives, spirits and tobacco products of all kinds, we have established ourselves in the village centre of Samnaun above all as a premium cigar specialist. The storage in a large humidor in connection with constant quality control are a guarantee for 100% taste experience.
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The border between Tschlin and Austria stretches from Martina, winds up and passes through the Schwarzsee and Grünsee lakes. From Martina along the Inn to the Alfinstermünst - a journey that is interwoven with stories.
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