Bergsteigerdorf Lavin. Guarda & Ardez

Chamonna Linard SAC

An SAC hut with countless stories

Chamonna_Tuoi_CAS_SAC @Andrea Badrutt
2372 metres above sea level, nestled in the majestic Engadine mountains, lies the SAC hut Chamonna Linard. Since 1901, it has attracted hiking enthusiasts and mountaineers in search of the tranquillity and power of nature. The hut works with a special staff: every week a new, voluntary team looks after the hut – guests are catered for with a lot of heart and personal charm.

The first Alpine Club hut in the Lower Engadine

The Chamonna Linard SAC is the oldest Alpine Club hut in the Lower Engadine. The hut itself, Chamonna in Romansh, could tell countless stories. Thanks to the well-preserved documentation of the SAC section Engiadina Bassa Val Müstair, some of these stories are still known. The first ideas for the construction of a section hut below the highest mountain in the Lower Engadine, Piz Linard, emerged when the section was founded in 1892. The go-ahead for construction was finally given in 1901 at a cost of CHF 5,726.55. In the years that followed, there were always minor or major dramas at the hut. The documentation was so precise that not a single missing centime went unnoticed: the chronicles of the section describe a theft in the hut in 1918. According to the strictly controlled cash book, there should have been CHF 140.50 in the cash box, but in fact there was only CHF 93.55, meaning that CHF 46.95 was missing. Despite a direct report to the Obtasna district court and a reward of CHF 50, the thief has not been caught to this day and is still on the run.

In the decades that followed, the Chamonna Linard was renovated several times and sometimes enlarged. Until 1995, the Chamonna Linard CAS was never continuously unattended - the hut was simply too small for permanent operation. But after the renovation in 1996, the section took the plunge: since then, the hut has been run with a lot of heart and dedication by voluntary members of the SAC section. The team changes every week. It is precisely this loving, personal commitment that gives the Chamonna Linard its very special charm. A concept that has been successfully continued to this day and is greatly appreciated by guests and members of the section.

Chamonna Linard CAS/SAC @Andrea_Badrutt

Sepp Erni, the hut warden

Josef Erni, known to everyone as Sepp, plays an important role in coordination. Sepp has been responsible for the Chamonna Linard SAC since 2011 and during the season you can meet Sepp at the hut once a week – not to check on the hut wardens, but to support them and make sure everything is in order. However, Sepp's work begins long before the official start of the hut season: he makes the orders for the summer in spring and makes sure that as few transport flights as possible are needed. Certain foods are also transported to the hut by the hut wardens themselves, such as fresh salad or seasonal vegetables. Of course, the Chamonna Linard SAC is the ideal starting point for climbing Piz Linard, and the hut is also an ideal starting point for hikes to Piz Glims or the Lai da Glims mountain lake.

I find most of the hut wardens by chance – the nice thing is that the various hut wardens want to excel themselves and thus contribute to a unique experience.

Gemütliches Beisammensein in der Chamonna Linard

Unforgettable experiences: The magic of encounters

Probably the longest-serving hut warden is Cristina Gregori from Sent, who has been part of the hut warden family since 1998. Cristina and her family primarily remember the encounters with the various animals, as she describes: «The grazing herd of ibex next to the Chamonna that scared me, the little fox Pablo who came into the kitchen and didn't want to leave, the family of marmots that announce the arrival of our guests every year.» In the beginning, they stayed at Linard for a week as a whole family and their son Gian Fadri in particular was in tears when he saw the next hut wardens on the path to Chamonna.


Personal motivation: A day trip that changed everything

For Markus and Janine Kust-Büchi from Küsnacht ZH, it all began with a simple day trip.  From Lavin, they discovered the Chamonna Linard and were immediately fascinated by the tranquillity and natural beauty of the surroundings. What began as a hike developed into a deep connection with the hut. «It was pure nature that attracted us,» is what fascinated Markus and Janine. The decision to become hut wardens came almost naturally. Nevertheless, they initially had to wait three years until a place on the waiting list became available and Sepp was able to offer them the job. They could write a novel about the various stories of the Chamonna Linard. About the guests who booked on the Chamonna Lischana and were completely surprised that they had walked into the wrong Chamonna and ended up in the Chamonna Linard - of course there was still room for visitors on the Chamonna Linard. Or the 90-year-old hiking friend who made the journey from Lavin to Chamonna Linard.

Community in the hut: a home in the mountains

Another hut warden is Rosaria Michaela Ackermann from Triesenberg. For her, the Chamonna Linard is more than just a hut – it's a home that she shares with her guests. The community and living together in the hut are at the centre of their lives. «The evenings when everyone sits together, tells stories and reviews the day are the centrepiece of the hut experience,» says Rosaria. She values the friendships that develop here and the moments of togetherness that make the hut so unique. Together with her children, she presents the day guests with a lucky menu card and for dinner she always stands in the parlour, presents the menu, reads from her book or quotes a short poem. Of course, her alphorn is not to be missed – when the weather is fine, she also plays a piece or two.  

Chamonna Linard CAS/SAC @Dominik_Täuber

Special hikes: The hidden treasures of the surrounding area

Erni Walter from Scuol, Sepp's brother, loves to recommend the most beautiful hikes around the Chamonna Linard to guests. The lesser-known route to Fuorcla Zadrell is particularly close to his heart. «This hike offers breathtaking views and leads through a landscape that you won't forget in a hurry,» explains Walter. He encourages guests to take their time to really savour the silence and beauty of nature. On clear nights, Chamonna Linard is the ideal vantage point for observing the starry sky and shooting stars.

Aussicht_Chamonna_Linard @Andrea Badrutt
Up here, it's not just about the peaks, but also about the little moments that the mountains give you.

A common goal: a love of the mountains

What all hut wardens have in common is their deep love of the mountains and their enthusiasm for sharing this passion with others. Each and every one of them brings their own story and motivation with them and leaves a piece of their history in the Chamonna Linard.

Logo Bergsteigerdorf Lavin, Guarda & Ardez

Bergsteigerdorf Lavin, Guarda & Ardez

The Chamonna Linard CAS is a partner company of the mountaineering villages of Lavin, Guarda & Ardez. The guiding principle of the mountaineering villages is «less, but better». They are small, quiet places that have dedicated themselves to gentle tourism. Their great potential lies in their unspoilt nature, the high-quality natural and cultural landscape and the wide range of mountain sports on offer.  

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Chamonna Linard
Dominik Täuber

Chamonna dal Linard – Fuorcla da Glims – Val Sagliains (Rundweg) Wanderung zur Chamonna dal Linard

Erleben Sie eine abwechslungsreiche Wanderung zur Chamonna Linard und den Glimsseen, eingebettet am Fusse des beeindruckenden Piz Linard in einer atemberaubenden Natur.

Zum Rundweg
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Chamonna Linard
Dominik Täuber

The Alps and huts in the Lower Engadine

Mountain huts are the perfect starting point for a wide range of hikes, mountain tours and summit ascents. In addition to the numerous mountain huts, our managed alps also invite you to take a break. 

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