Goat sponsorship

Schellen-Ursli Ziegenpatenschaft
Goats are smart, funny and curious animals that like to have contact with people. On the Suot and Valmala goat pastures in the canton of Graubünden, we keep Bündner Strahl goats, peacock goats and brown mountain goats, all of which are eagerly waiting for a godmother or godfather.
How it works In summer you have the opportunity to adopt a goat. Become a pin or mima of a goat on Alp Suot in Guarda or Alp Valmala in Ardez. With such a sponsorship, you not only support the goat alp itself, but also other related projects in the Swiss mountains. In return, you will receive a photo of the goat and a "Stückli" goat cheese. All information about our two goat alps can be found below: 
Watch Goatfather | 2023 on YouTube.