
«Cause We Care»

Schweizer Nationalpark.
Enjoying a holiday in unspoilt nature and doing something about climate change at the same time? Yes, that is possible! Together we take care of the environment so that you and future generations can enjoy our nature.

Get involved! Join forces for environmental and climate protection.

The careful use of resources to protect the environment is important to us. You can support us in this endeavour: As part of the myclimate «Cause We Care» initiative, we give you the opportunity to make a voluntary contribution to effective environmental and climate protection measures together with us.

In return, we promise to double your contribution. Part of the sum will be used to support high-quality international climate protection projects run by the myclimate foundation. The remaining amount will be invested by us in effective climate protection measures on site and in operational sustainability.

«Cause We Care» at a glance

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Cause We Care Projekt-Partner am Kick-Off
Switzerland-wide project

«Cause We Care» is a voluntary, customer- and company-based initiative of the Swiss foundation myclimate for climate protection and sustainability in tourism.

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Effiziente Kocher retten Lebensraum für letzte Berggorillas – Klimaschutzprojekt in Ruanda – myclimate Cause We Care
Climate protection project

The project «Efficient cookers save habitat for the last mountain gorillas» is supported.

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Aussenbecken Mineralbad Bogn Engiadina

Other tourism companies in the holiday region Engadin Samnaun Val Müstair are joining «Cause We Care».

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How does «Cause We Care» work?

When booking your accommodation or experience, you can voluntarily support our climate protection measures and thus take responsibility for the CO2 emissions caused by your booked offer.

I care – myclimate Cause We Care

I care

You book an overnight stay or an experience and voluntarily make a small contribution to environmental and climate protection.

We care – myclimate Cause We Care

We care

We double your contribution and pay both contributions into our destination's own myclimate «Cause We Care» sustainability fund.

Infografik zum Projekt Cause We Care von myclimate

Cause we care

The fund is used to finance local climate protection measures. In this way, you take responsibility for the CO2 emissions of your booked offer or product. Together we achieve a double effect. For our nature, the environment and the climate. Thank you very much!


Graph showing the "Cause We Care" contribution by guests per booking as well as the total mobilised funds for the "Cause We Care" fund for the years 2018 to 2022
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Die Ferienregion Engadin Samnaun Val Müstair und die ZHAW setzen Standards für mehr Nachhaltigkeit

Sustainable development in the holiday region Engadin Samnaun Val Müstair

Climate and nature protection are very important to us. To this end, Tourismus Engadin Scuol Samnaun Val Müstair AG endeavours to pursue sustainable development in its daily work.

Find out more