Barrier-free in the Zernez family pool
Familienbad Zernez Barrierefrei
A wheelchair does not have to be an obstacle to swimming fun in the Zernez family pool. You can find more detailed information on accessibility here.

Limited accessibility
- No wheelchair parking space
- Limitations in the cloakroom
The family pool building does not have a wheelchair car park. However, there is enough space in front of the entrance at the National Park Centre to park with a disabled pass.
The entrance to the cloakroom and showers is stepless. There are several steps down to the indoor pool. These steps can be overcome with a ceiling lift, which can lower you from your wheelchair into the water.
From the indoor area, there are two steps up again to get to the outdoor pool. The pool attendant can always help with this. Alternatively, in summer you can also reach the pool from the outside without steps.
A shower/bath wheelchair is available.