«Fly Only» Route

What is a «Fly Only» route?
Fishing on this stretch is only allowed with a fly rod, appropriate reel and fly line. Only artificial flies may be used. The practice of «Catch & Release» and weighting with lead is not permitted. In addition, the normal fishing regulations of the Canton of Graubünden apply.
Where is this section located?
The «Fly Only» track can be visited in two ways. Either you walk to the track from Pans-ch. If you arrive in your own vehicle, the car can be parked in Ramosch, Avant Muglin. From here it is about ten minutes to the Inn. However, you can also reach the route from the other side. Here it is possible to drive to the «Punt da la Resgia», where there is also direct access to the Inn.
How did this route come about?
This is a project that arose from a collaboration between the University of Applied Sciences Graubünden, the Office of Hunting and Fishing Graubünden, the organisation Tourism Engadin Scuol Samnaun Val Müstair AG and the local fly fishing association SMEB.
Location of the route