Event Scuol

Messages from the beyond

Encounter evening with Monika Tresch. As a medium, I will carefully transmit messages from your deceased loved ones. Community hall CHF 25.00

Door opening: 19:00

Info: monika@innerequelle.ch


13.03.2025 from 19:30 to 21:00 o'clock
CHF 25.-
Chasa da Scoula

Messages from the beyond

Spiritual encounter evening with Monika Tresch.

Heaven and earth, the spiritual and the earthly are very close. I have been happy to be a mediator between these two levels for several years.
These are solemnly designed hours with musical accompaniment to recharge body, mind and soul.


Chasa da Scoula

Bagnera 168, 7550 Scuol

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