
1. August Swiss National Day

Der 1. August 2023 in Tarasp mit Blick auf das Schloss.
Der 1. August 2023 in Tarasp mit Blick auf das Schloss.
Experience the Swiss National Day on 1 August with us and look forward to a varied programme. Enjoy traditional festivities, impressive bonfires and regional delicacies in the various villages.fern.

Our highlights

Festive catering with musical entertainment

In the various villages in the region, the local clubs and societies will be running catering facilities accompanied by atmospheric live music.

Experience the ceremonial address by Federal Councillor Cassis in Guarda or the speeches by the other speakers in the Engadin villages. 

Various bonfires light up the mountain peaks above the valley. 

Wanderung mit Sonnenaufgang im Engadin

1st August.


Switzerland's bank holidays on 1 August is also a special day in the Engadin Scuol Zernez holiday region.