Our commitment.

Product Manager Sustainability
In order to promote sustainable development within the destination management organisation, TESSVM has created 150 job percentages in the area of sustainability. This makes it possible to carry out sustainability projects and deal intensively with internal sustainability.
Sustainability position paper
Sustainability is a complex topic - this also raises questions. What do we mean by three-dimensional sustainability? How do we shape our role as a DMO with regard to the sustainable development of our holiday region? And what are our goals in this regard? Our position paper provides answers to these questions.
Guide to sustainable working practices
In their daily work, the employees of the TESSVM follow an internal guideline on sustainable working practices. These guidelines regulate the use of natural resources (e.g. water or paper). An overriding goal is to be part of the regional economic cycle. To this end, purchases are made in the region wherever possible. With these principles of action, we set a good example for our guests, partners and service providers.
For example, regional partners are commissioned for the local brochures. The copywriter is from Lavin, the graphics and photos come from Scuol and the printing is done in St. Moritz on FSC certified paper and climate neutral.
Reduction of emissions
The TESSVM strives to minimise climate-impacting emissions. The goal is to reduce CO2 emissions caused directly or indirectly by our work in as many areas as possible. We offset the unavoidable emissions via a carbon offset project from myclimate.
The annual CO2 emissions are offset by financially supporting the project «Clean drinking water for schools and households through filter systems» in Uganda. In this climate protection project, poorer households and institutions such as schools are provided with new technologies for drinking water purification. This reduces the consumption of fossil fuels, which reduces CO2 emissions and at the same time has a positive impact on the living conditions and health of thousands of people.
CO2 emissions are usually expressed in tonnes. To give you an idea of this, you can see below which means of transport and which distance/duration generate one tonne of CO2.

Sustainability report and three-dimensional sustainability
The TESSVM acts according to the principle of three-dimensional sustainability. An important component is the sustainability report of the destination and the company itself, as well as the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) report, which is a voluntary contribution by companies.
Definition of nature and culture-based tourism
«At the centre of nature and culture-based tourism is the experience of 'intact' natural and cultural values. Nature and culture-based tourism contributes to the preservation of nature and the landscape and to their careful further development. Local culture is promoted and revitalised, the right of the local population to have a say is guaranteed, the regional economy of the holiday destinations is involved across sectors and encounters between locals and guests are made possible. Nature and culture-based tourism is an integrative approach to sustainable regional development.» (Definition ZHAW Research Group Tourism and Sustainable Development, Wergenstein)

Goat sponsorship
Every year, the TESSVM team selects a goat from the participating alpine farms in the Lower Engadin as part of the Coop goat sponsorship. With a goat sponsorship, the TESSVM supports for one summer a goat, the entire alp and other projects related to goats in the mountain area. The goats are often used for pasture and landscape maintenance to prevent valuable and ecological areas from going wild.

bike to work
Pro Velo Schweiz launches the «bike to work» campaign every year. In 2023, the TESSVM was involved for the 11th time. bike to work is a nationwide campaign to promote cycling in companies. In the month of June, we cycled at least half of our way to work.